Get your sorry ass out of that adult hookup site
If you are going to an adult hookup site and you can almost guarantee that you would not get anywhere, then you might want to stop and pay attention to what you’re doing. You see, the problem with most guys is that they often exhibit symptoms of Einstein’s definition of insanity. They keep doing the same things over and over again, however they keep expecting different results each time. Do you see how crazy this is?
If you want to get different results, then you must do different things. It really is that simple. It’s all about cause and effect. If you plant the same seed, what do you think will happen? You will get the same plant. But if you plant a different seed, you will get a different plant. The same applies to the world of online dating.
If you’ve joined a really good adult hookup site like I did on and it’s been ages since you last got laid, you probably are barking up the wrong tree. You try like hell but you end up going nowhere. That is not a wise investment of your time. You need to get the fuck out of there.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t be pathetic. The problem with most guys is that they’re creatures of habit. They think that if a website is able to deliver once, then that website will eventually deliver again. The problem here is one of opportunity cost. For every minute you spend doing something, that’s a minute you’re not doing something else. What if that alternative activity or other option delivered better results, do you see how this all works out?
Sadly, most guys are completely clueless regarding opportunity cost that they end up being pathetic. Don’t be that pathetic dude. Stop shaking the tree when you know that there will be no coconuts dropping. Look for a better tree or better yet stop what you’re doing, take a long hard look at your mindset, your attitude, and your strategies, and come up with something better.
The good news is that this is just one of those problems that can be fixed if you allow yourself to fix it.